Valentine’s Day in the Kitchen <3

When you are in the hospitality industry or events or anything of that nature, you work when other people are out enjoying themselves. Whether it be holidays, birthdays, weddings, you aim to please your guests. In the GVG kitchen Valentine’s day was a whirlwind. They were expecting 300 people for lunch alone and then about 800 for dinner. Not only is Valentine’s day one of the most busy nights to eat out, it fell on a weekend and a long weekend at that so they hotel was packed!

Chef Lee, one of the head chefs, has cooking classes that he does throughout the year and he happened to be doing one on Valentine’s Day. At his cooking class he has a station set up where he cooks and cameras show the audience what he is doing. Then after the demonstration, the guests are able to eat the food. Well, you would think that sounds simple, no? Well, its not! It take a lot of time management, preparation and hard work from everyone in the events kitchen. Not only do we need to set up the chef’s station but they food needed to be prepped for the guests and then needed to be plated and served for them to enjoy. Now, Chef Lee’s normal assistant was out on a vacation so he asked me to help out. Again, I was completely out of my element but man was it so much fun. Chef Lee is a great guy and made me feel comfortable and confident that I could do the job well. I was able to watch him prepare all the different courses and experience an amazing cooking class!

For dessert we made a Chocolate Molten cake. It looked so good, I wanted to share a recipe with you that I found on Pinterest!!

2 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day in the Kitchen <3

  1. emilyef15 says:

    Hey Christina! I’ve really enjoyed catching up on your blog.Your new job sounds like so much fun! Congratulations on landing the position! This is just the beginning of your future. I LOVED this post though. My mouth was practically watering at the thought of chocolate molten cake. Thanks for the recipe. I am doing a Pinterest blog, so it’s helpful to see what other people find on the site. I’ll definitely have to try this one out. Keep up the good work. You’ll learn so much from this experience!

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